Sunday, June 26, 2011

Why Certain Singers Cry When They Sing

I supposed that you may have seen singers cry when they are singing, haven't you? Why do they cry when singing? Is it an act for the performance? Are you puzzled? I once was, but now I know why and before I give you an explanation as to why certain singers do that, I want you to take notice that the next time you see a singer cry when singing, listen intently to the singer's voice. Does it sound more melancholic? Is the voice richer? Is the singer hitting the difficult notes easily and more freely?

Ahh, you are getting the drift if you've noticed the subtle differences to the voice when a singer cries on the notes. Are you surprised? If you are, then you are not alone as this could be the best kept secret in the art of singing.

Now I am going to let the cat out of the bag. You see, by crying on the notes of a song is by far one of the easiest ways to improve the quality of your voice tonal quality. Doing this also helps to remove the tension and strain from your voice. Somehow, this technique has some sort of function that blends your vocal registers naturally. On top of giving you a better voice quality, crying when singing helps to communicate the emotionally charged story of the song to your audience and make your performance more dramatic.

Find it hard to believe me? Then try it out for yourself. Just take a song that you know fairly well and choose a specific section that you are very comfortable with. When singing this section, simply pretend that you are crying. Imagine that you have just received a piece of very heart wrenching news and you are communicating this feeling with your singing to your audience. Make your voice shake with emotions and drop a few tears if you can.

Now, can you hear and feel the difference the way you sound? Are you surprised that by simply pretending to cry when singing can change your voice quality so much? Did you notice that not only does your tone become richer, but the singing feels very liberated as well! Don't you think that is amazing?

Now, the trick is that you do not use this technique for every note or every song that you sing because you want pick the passages in the songs that really call for an extra dose of sheer emotion. Or you can also use it for those climatic high notes because higher notes become easier to reach when you "cry" on them. That is why you can sing more freely.

Another way of using this singing technique is to use it on of those days when your singing is off color and your voice just isn't coming out as well as it should be. So those bad vocal days, you can just cry your way through the songs and enjoy the extra freedom and power that kicks in.

Listen, you have just discovered an invaluable singing technique that most singers have not even heard of and so take the time to practice your crying into your singing! This technique is like having a link that says "click here to produce quality voice" and you can click this link anytime you need to. It is certainly a very useful link to keep in your professional arsenal. So let's have fun playing with this somewhat unknown singing technique and soon, you will see your voice quality improving too.

Chris Chew is a music consultant and said that if you want to be a famous singer, then read Good singing tips and Better singer singing lessons

View the original article here

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