Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How Do I Sing Better? - Tips to a Better Voice

If you found yourself here, you're probably wondering how do I sing better? We've got some simple tips that will help you to find your voice.

Relax the tongue. Almost all beginner vocalists and many folks in general hold excess tension in the tongue. Most vocal problems involve tension in the tongue. Tension in the tongue leads to tension in the jaw and constriction in the back of the throat. You want your tongue to rest on your bottom front teeth. Relax the tongue more forward in the mouth. If your tongue is curled up or resting on the top of your mouth it is too constricted.

Breathe naturally. If you breathe in too much when singing it can hinder your ability to sing in a free and uninhibited way. Too much air constricts the muscles at the back of the throat and makes it difficult to reach the high notes. Breathing is natural and singing can be too if you focus on keeping the breath free and easy while singing. If you are looking for ways to answer the question - "how do I sing better?" remember to sing and breath naturally.

Open the mouth wide. Your voice is the path to your soul. It is where the authentic self and the music meet to express your version of the song to the world. Stretch out the muscles of the throat, face, and mouth. When singing, open up wide. Let it all out. If your mouth is too tightly closed you could be constricted in the area of the tongue. Open the front, the top, the bottom and the back of the mouth when singing. Sing "ahh" from the center of the heart and open the back of the mouth. It is a very pleasant sound and resonates beautifully when the back of the mouth is open wide.

Sing with your authentic voice. There are many vocalists out there who can sound like other people. This is ventriloquism or karaoke. Sing with heart and your own authentic voice instead of trying to mimic others. When you truly connect to the music and feel the emotion through the song, you are in touch with your authentic self. Let your passion for singing and your passion for life come through your singing voice. Allow yourself to get excited and have fun when singing. Your energy level with come through your song so remember to stay energized.

Singing can be as easy as talking. Do not force it. If you force your voice you risk injuring the vocal cords and sounding atrocious. There should be no straining or reaching when you sing.. If you are looking for ways to answer the question "how do I sing better?" remember to sing with your own voice and sing naturally.

Sing out! We all have it in us.

Sklar Larimar has been a professional vocalist and voice coach for many years. She is passionate about helping others find their voice and experience the same satisfaction singing has created in her life.

Singing Tips!

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