Sunday, July 31, 2011

7 Secrets for Beginners of Seagull S6

That Seagull S6 is just a beginner's guitar is a great understatement. Seagull, a Canadian guitar maker, has been crafting one of the world's best guitars since the 1980s. Of the various guitar models Seagull has made, Seagull S6 has succeeded in making a name of its own in the music industry by winning several awards. It is currently one of a few acoustic guitars which keep getting rave reviews from guitar users all over. Here are seven reasons why:

1. Tone. Seagull S6 produces a warm, melodious tone that sounds even better than those produced by some other prestigious and high-priced guitar brands. Its beautiful sound can be attributed to the careful crafting of this guitar. To be able to produce a rich sound, the makers of Seagull S6 use only the best wood for its body and materials for the accessories. From the nut and saddle up to the strings, the guitar is a display of excellent craftsmanship. The result is an unforgettable sound quality which beginners and professionals would find soothing to the ear.

2. Sturdiness. The secret to the quality of Seagull's guitars is the superiority of the wood used. Most guitars, especially the medium to low-end sides, use plain plywood for its tops. Seagull guitars are trademarked for its solid Cedar tops and black cherry colored-laminated back. Unlike those which use plywood as its base, the cedar in Seagull guitars gives it sturdiness that withstands the test of time.

3. Aging. The Seagull S6 only gets better as it ages. The secret behind it-the materials used. A guitar with solid top generally produces a better quality sound than a plywood top guitar. Solid tops improve over time and over use. This process is called aging. The more it is played, the more it improves and gives a rich sound.

4. Comfort in Handling. The typical Dreadnought design of the Seagull S6 allows for efficient handling. It has the right size and make which users find attractive. Even if the player is sitting down or standing up, its curvy and easy to clutch features let the user hold the guitar with ease.

5. Nut and Saddle. The nut and saddle of the guitar hold the strings firmly in place. Seagull S6 uses a hybrid plastic called Tusq for its nut and saddle. More and more manufacturers are currently turning to Tusq because it not only supports the strings but also enhances the guitar's tone.

6. High string action. Like other fine guitars, the makers of Seagull also tailored their strings to provide high performance. Guitar players would find it easy to tune the guitar easier.

7. Affordability. Who would resist the sheer affordability of a good sounding and sturdy guitar like the Seagull S6? For less than $500, anyone can own this guitar already. What is more, you get good value for every dollar you spent because you not only get a guitar, you get the best guitar.

So, if you are a beginner and you are looking for your first guitar, Seagull S6 is the guitar that will give you ease in playing, professional sound quality, and value for your money all at the same time for Seagull S6.

View the original article here

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